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IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. --]] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- tinyyaml - YAML subset parser ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- local table = table local string = string local schar = string.char local ssub, gsub = string.sub, string.gsub local sfind, smatch = string.find, string.match local tinsert, tremove = table.insert, table.remove local setmetatable = setmetatable local pairs = pairs local type = type local tonumber = tonumber local math = math local getmetatable = getmetatable local error = error local UNESCAPES = { ['0'] = "\x00", z = "\x00", N = "\x85", a = "\x07", b = "\x08", t = "\x09", n = "\x0a", v = "\x0b", f = "\x0c", r = "\x0d", e = "\x1b", ['\\'] = '\\', }; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- utils local function select(list, pred) local selected = {} for i = 0, #list do local v = list[i] if v and pred(v, i) then tinsert(selected, v) end end return selected end local function startswith(haystack, needle) return ssub(haystack, 1, #needle) == needle end local function ltrim(str) return smatch(str, "^%s*(.-)$") end local function rtrim(str) return smatch(str, "^(.-)%s*$") end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Implementation. -- local class = {__meta={}} function class.__meta.__call(cls, ...) local self = setmetatable({}, cls) if cls.__init then cls.__init(self, ...) end return self end function class.def(base, typ, cls) base = base or class local mt = {__metatable=base, __index=base} for k, v in pairs(base.__meta) do mt[k] = v end cls = setmetatable(cls or {}, mt) cls.__index = cls cls.__metatable = cls cls.__type = typ cls.__meta = mt return cls end local types = { null = class:def('null'), map = class:def('map'), omap = class:def('omap'), pairs = class:def('pairs'), set = class:def('set'), seq = class:def('seq'), timestamp = class:def('timestamp'), } local Null = types.null function Null.__tostring() return 'yaml.null' end function Null.isnull(v) if v == nil then return true end if type(v) == 'table' and getmetatable(v) == Null then return true end return false end local null = Null() function types.timestamp:__init(y, m, d, h, i, s, f, z) self.year = tonumber(y) self.month = tonumber(m) self.day = tonumber(d) self.hour = tonumber(h or 0) self.minute = tonumber(i or 0) self.second = tonumber(s or 0) if type(f) == 'string' and sfind(f, '^%d+$') then self.fraction = tonumber(f) * math.pow(10, 3 - #f) elseif f then self.fraction = f else self.fraction = 0 end self.timezone = z end function types.timestamp:__tostring() return string.format( '%04d-%02d-%02dT%02d:%02d:%02d.%03d%s', self.year, self.month, self.day, self.hour, self.minute, self.second, self.fraction, self:gettz()) end function types.timestamp:gettz() if not self.timezone then return '' end if self.timezone == 0 then return 'Z' end local sign = self.timezone > 0 local z = sign and self.timezone or -self.timezone local zh = math.floor(z) local zi = (z - zh) * 60 return string.format( '%s%02d:%02d', sign and '+' or '-', zh, zi) end local function countindent(line) local _, j = sfind(line, '^%s+') if not j then return 0, line end return j, ssub(line, j+1) end local function parsestring(line, stopper) stopper = stopper or '' local q = ssub(line, 1, 1) if q == ' ' or q == '\t' then return parsestring(ssub(line, 2)) end if q == "'" then local i = sfind(line, "'", 2, true) if not i then return nil, line end return ssub(line, 2, i-1), ssub(line, i+1) end if q == '"' then local i, buf = 2, '' while i < #line do local c = ssub(line, i, i) if c == '\\' then local n = ssub(line, i+1, i+1) if UNESCAPES[n] ~= nil then buf = buf..UNESCAPES[n] elseif n == 'x' then local h = ssub(i+2,i+3) if sfind(h, '^[0-9a-fA-F]$') then buf = buf..schar(tonumber(h, 16)) i = i + 2 else buf = buf..'x' end else buf = buf..n end i = i + 1 elseif c == q then break else buf = buf..c end i = i + 1 end return buf, ssub(line, i+1) end if q == '{' or q == '[' then -- flow style return nil, line end if q == '|' or q == '>' then -- block return nil, line end if q == '-' or q == ':' then if ssub(line, 2, 2) == ' ' or #line == 1 then return nil, line end end local buf = '' while #line > 0 do local c = ssub(line, 1, 1) if sfind(stopper, c, 1, true) then break elseif c == ':' and (ssub(line, 2, 2) == ' ' or #line == 1) then break elseif c == '#' and (ssub(buf, #buf, #buf) == ' ') then break else buf = buf..c end line = ssub(line, 2) end return rtrim(buf), line end local function isemptyline(line) return line == '' or sfind(line, '^%s*$') or sfind(line, '^%s*#') end local function equalsline(line, needle) return startswith(line, needle) and isemptyline(ssub(line, #needle+1)) end local function checkdupekey(map, key) if map[key] ~= nil then -- print("found a duplicate key '"..key.."' in line: "..line) local suffix = 1 while map[key..'_'..suffix] do suffix = suffix + 1 end key = key ..'_'..suffix end return key end local function parseflowstyle(line, lines) local stack = {} while true do if #line == 0 then if #lines == 0 then break else line = tremove(lines, 1) end end local c = ssub(line, 1, 1) if c == '#' then line = '' elseif c == ' ' or c == '\t' or c == '\r' or c == '\n' then line = ssub(line, 2) elseif c == '{' or c == '[' then tinsert(stack, {v={},t=c}) line = ssub(line, 2) elseif c == ':' then local s = tremove(stack) tinsert(stack, {v=s.v, t=':'}) line = ssub(line, 2) elseif c == ',' then local value = tremove(stack) if value.t == ':' or value.t == '{' or value.t == '[' then error() end if stack[#stack].t == ':' then -- map local key = tremove(stack) key.v = checkdupekey(stack[#stack].v, key.v) stack[#stack].v[key.v] = value.v elseif stack[#stack].t == '{' then -- set stack[#stack].v[value.v] = true elseif stack[#stack].t == '[' then -- seq tinsert(stack[#stack].v, value.v) end line = ssub(line, 2) elseif c == '}' then if stack[#stack].t == '{' then if #stack == 1 then break end stack[#stack].t = '}' line = ssub(line, 2) else line = ','..line end elseif c == ']' then if stack[#stack].t == '[' then if #stack == 1 then break end stack[#stack].t = ']' line = ssub(line, 2) else line = ','..line end else local s, rest = parsestring(line, ',{}[]') if not s then error('invalid flowstyle line: '..line) end tinsert(stack, {v=s, t='s'}) line = rest end end return stack[1].v, line end local function parseblockstylestring(line, lines, indent) if #lines == 0 then error("failed to find multi-line scalar content") end local s = {} local firstindent = -1 local endline = -1 for i = 1, #lines do local ln = lines[i] local idt = countindent(ln) if idt <= indent then break end if ln == '' then tinsert(s, '') else if firstindent == -1 then firstindent = idt elseif idt < firstindent then break end tinsert(s, ssub(ln, firstindent + 1)) end endline = i end local striptrailing = true local sep = '\n' local newlineatend = true if line == '|' then striptrailing = true sep = '\n' newlineatend = true elseif line == '|+' then striptrailing = false sep = '\n' newlineatend = true elseif line == '|-' then striptrailing = true sep = '\n' newlineatend = false elseif line == '>' then striptrailing = true sep = ' ' newlineatend = true elseif line == '>+' then striptrailing = false sep = ' ' newlineatend = true elseif line == '>-' then striptrailing = true sep = ' ' newlineatend = false else error('invalid blockstyle string:'..line) end local eonl = 0 for i = #s, 1, -1 do if s[i] == '' then tremove(s, i) eonl = eonl + 1 end end if striptrailing then eonl = 0 end if newlineatend then eonl = eonl + 1 end for i = endline, 1, -1 do tremove(lines, i) end return table.concat(s, sep)..string.rep('\n', eonl) end local function parsetimestamp(line) local _, p1, y, m, d = sfind(line, '^(%d%d%d%d)%-(%d%d)%-(%d%d)') if not p1 then return nil, line end if p1 == #line then return types.timestamp(y, m, d), '' end local _, p2, h, i, s = sfind(line, '^[Tt ](%d+):(%d+):(%d+)', p1+1) if not p2 then return types.timestamp(y, m, d), ssub(line, p1+1) end if p2 == #line then return types.timestamp(y, m, d, h, i, s), '' end local _, p3, f = sfind(line, '^%.(%d+)', p2+1) if not p3 then p3 = p2 f = 0 end local zc = ssub(line, p3+1, p3+1) local _, p4, zs, z = sfind(line, '^ ?([%+%-])(%d+)', p3+1) if p4 then z = tonumber(z) local _, p5, zi = sfind(line, '^:(%d+)', p4+1) if p5 then z = z + tonumber(zi) / 60 end z = zs == '-' and -tonumber(z) or tonumber(z) elseif zc == 'Z' then p4 = p3 + 1 z = 0 else p4 = p3 z = false end return types.timestamp(y, m, d, h, i, s, f, z), ssub(line, p4+1) end local function parsescalar(line, lines, indent) line = ltrim(line) line = gsub(line, '^%s*#.*$', '') -- comment only -> '' line = gsub(line, '^%s*', '') -- trim head spaces if line == '' or line == '~' then return null end local ts, _ = parsetimestamp(line) if ts then return ts end local s, _ = parsestring(line) -- startswith quote ... string -- not startswith quote ... maybe string if s and (startswith(line, '"') or startswith(line, "'")) then return s end if startswith('!', line) then -- unexpected tagchar error('unsupported line: '..line) end if equalsline(line, '{}') then return {} end if equalsline(line, '[]') then return {} end if startswith(line, '{') or startswith(line, '[') then return parseflowstyle(line, lines) end if startswith(line, '|') or startswith(line, '>') then return parseblockstylestring(line, lines, indent) end -- Regular unquoted string line = gsub(line, '%s*#.*$', '') -- trim tail comment local v = line if v == 'null' or v == 'Null' or v == 'NULL'then return null elseif v == 'true' or v == 'True' or v == 'TRUE' then return true elseif v == 'false' or v == 'False' or v == 'FALSE' then return false elseif v == '.inf' or v == '.Inf' or v == '.INF' then return math.huge elseif v == '+.inf' or v == '+.Inf' or v == '+.INF' then return math.huge elseif v == '-.inf' or v == '-.Inf' or v == '-.INF' then return -math.huge elseif v == '.nan' or v == '.NaN' or v == '.NAN' then return 0 / 0 elseif sfind(v, '^[%+%-]?[0-9]+$') or sfind(v, '^[%+%-]?[0-9]+%.$')then return tonumber(v) -- : int elseif sfind(v, '^[%+%-]?[0-9]+%.[0-9]+$') then return tonumber(v) end return s or v end local parsemap; -- : func local function parseseq(line, lines, indent) local seq = setmetatable({}, types.seq) if line ~= '' then error() end while #lines > 0 do -- Check for a new document line = lines[1] if startswith(line, '---') then while #lines > 0 and not startswith(lines, '---') do tremove(lines, 1) end return seq end -- Check the indent level local level = countindent(line) if level < indent then return seq elseif level > indent then error("found bad indenting in line: ".. line) end local i, j = sfind(line, '%-%s+') if not i then i, j = sfind(line, '%-$') if not i then return seq end end local rest = ssub(line, j+1) if sfind(rest, '^[^\'\"%s]*:') then -- Inline nested hash local indent2 = j lines[1] = string.rep(' ', indent2)..rest tinsert(seq, parsemap('', lines, indent2)) elseif sfind(rest, '^%-%s+') then -- Inline nested seq local indent2 = j lines[1] = string.rep(' ', indent2)..rest tinsert(seq, parseseq('', lines, indent2)) elseif isemptyline(rest) then tremove(lines, 1) if #lines == 0 then tinsert(seq, null) return seq end if sfind(lines[1], '^%s*%-') then local nextline = lines[1] local indent2 = countindent(nextline) if indent2 == indent then -- Null seqay entry tinsert(seq, null) else tinsert(seq, parseseq('', lines, indent2)) end else -- - # comment -- key: value local nextline = lines[1] local indent2 = countindent(nextline) tinsert(seq, parsemap('', lines, indent2)) end elseif rest then -- Array entry with a value tremove(lines, 1) tinsert(seq, parsescalar(rest, lines)) end end return seq end local function parseset(line, lines, indent) if not isemptyline(line) then error('not seq line: '..line) end local set = setmetatable({}, types.set) while #lines > 0 do -- Check for a new document line = lines[1] if startswith(line, '---') then while #lines > 0 and not startswith(lines, '---') do tremove(lines, 1) end return set end -- Check the indent level local level = countindent(line) if level < indent then return set elseif level > indent then error("found bad indenting in line: ".. line) end local i, j = sfind(line, '%?%s+') if not i then i, j = sfind(line, '%?$') if not i then return set end end local rest = ssub(line, j+1) if sfind(rest, '^[^\'\"%s]*:') then -- Inline nested hash local indent2 = j lines[1] = string.rep(' ', indent2)..rest set[parsemap('', lines, indent2)] = true elseif sfind(rest, '^%s+$') then tremove(lines, 1) if #lines == 0 then tinsert(set, null) return set end if sfind(lines[1], '^%s*%?') then local indent2 = countindent(lines[1]) if indent2 == indent then -- Null array entry set[null] = true else set[parseseq('', lines, indent2)] = true end end elseif rest then tremove(lines, 1) set[parsescalar(rest, lines)] = true else error("failed to classify line: "..line) end end return set end function parsemap(line, lines, indent) if not isemptyline(line) then error('not map line: '..line) end local map = setmetatable({}, types.map) while #lines > 0 do -- Check for a new document line = lines[1] if startswith(line, '---') then while #lines > 0 and not startswith(lines, '---') do tremove(lines, 1) end return map end -- Check the indent level local level, _ = countindent(line) if level < indent then return map elseif level > indent then error("found bad indenting in line: ".. line) end -- Find the key local key local s, rest = parsestring(line) -- Quoted keys if s and startswith(rest, ':') then local sc = parsescalar(s, {}, 0) if sc and type(sc) ~= 'string' then key = sc else key = s end line = ssub(rest, 2) else error("failed to classify line: "..line) end key = checkdupekey(map, key) line = ltrim(line) if ssub(line, 1, 1) == '!' then -- ignore type local rh = ltrim(ssub(line, 3)) local typename = smatch(rh, '^!?[^%s]+') line = ltrim(ssub(rh, #typename+1)) end if not isemptyline(line) then tremove(lines, 1) line = ltrim(line) map[key] = parsescalar(line, lines, indent) else -- An indent tremove(lines, 1) if #lines == 0 then map[key] = null return map; end if sfind(lines[1], '^%s*%-') then local indent2 = countindent(lines[1]) map[key] = parseseq('', lines, indent2) elseif sfind(lines[1], '^%s*%?') then local indent2 = countindent(lines[1]) map[key] = parseset('', lines, indent2) else local indent2 = countindent(lines[1]) if indent >= indent2 then -- Null hash entry map[key] = null else map[key] = parsemap('', lines, indent2) end end end end return map end -- : (list<str>)->dict local function parsedocuments(lines) lines = select(lines, function(s) return not isemptyline(s) end) if sfind(lines[1], '^%%YAML') then tremove(lines, 1) end local root = {} local in_document = false while #lines > 0 do local line = lines[1] -- Do we have a document header? local docright; if sfind(line, '^%-%-%-') then -- Handle scalar documents docright = ssub(line, 4) tremove(lines, 1) in_document = true end if docright then if (not sfind(docright, '^%s+$') and not sfind(docright, '^%s+#')) then tinsert(root, parsescalar(docright, lines)) end elseif #lines == 0 or startswith(line, '---') then -- A naked document tinsert(root, null) while #lines > 0 and not sfind(lines[1], '---') do tremove(lines, 1) end in_document = false -- XXX The final '-+$' is to look for -- which ends up being an -- error later. elseif not in_document and #root > 0 then -- only the first document can be explicit error('parse error: '..line) elseif sfind(line, '^%s*%-') then -- An array at the root tinsert(root, parseseq('', lines, 0)) elseif sfind(line, '^%s*[^%s]') then -- A hash at the root local level = countindent(line) tinsert(root, parsemap('', lines, level)) else -- Shouldn't get here. @lines have whitespace-only lines -- stripped, and previous match is a line with any -- non-whitespace. So this clause should only be reachable via -- a perlbug where \s is not symmetric with \S -- uncoverable statement error('parse error: '..line) end end if #root > 1 and Null.isnull(root[1]) then tremove(root, 1) return root end return root end --- Parse yaml string into table. local function parse(source) local lines = {} for line in string.gmatch(source .. '\n', '(.-)\r?\n') do tinsert(lines, line) end local docs = parsedocuments(lines) if #docs == 1 then return docs[1] end return docs end p = {parse = parse} return p 이 문서에서 사용한 틀: 모듈:Yaml/설명문서 (원본 보기) 모듈:Yaml 문서로 돌아갑니다.